warm up
8 rounds
12 leg curls (start very light, increase weight every 2 sets)
20 glute bridges from floor
8 rounds
12 extensions (start very light, increase weight every 2 sets)
12 donkey kicks with band (can wear band during leg extensions)
8 rounds
20 leg press machine (moderate or light weight or commercial leg press machine)
12 fire hydrants (each side)
4 rounds
12 barbell stiff leg deadlifts with band
4 rounds
12 KB deficit sumo squats
12 single leg wall calf raise (each leg)
4 rounds
12 single leg box step ups w/db (light weight)
12 single leg box step ups w/db (light weight)
4:00 assault bike (max distance)
4:00 skier machine (max distance)