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"Push It" day 3 (mirror workout)

Warm up

3 rounds

5 shoulder passes with pvc pipe

5 good mornings

5 bird dogs (each side)

3 rounds

:25 high plank

:25 db flys (light)

:25 db hex press (light)

3 rounds

:25 Barbell bench press (bar only)

:25 Db flys (moderate)

:25 db upright rows (very light)


5 rounds

10 barbell bench press (moderate weight)

:60 rest

5 rounds

12 incline dumbbell bench press

12 db side bends

5 rounds

12 machine chest press

3 rounds

:30 cable tricep push downs


5 rounds

:30 sled push (heavy)

:60 rest

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