Warm up
3 rounds
:25 lateral band walk
:25 good mornings
3 rounds
:25 7 leg swings on each leg
:25 walk double lunge
8 sets
12 leg curls (start with light weight, work your way to almost muscle failure)
1 inch worm with spiderman stretch
4 rounds
12 leg curls on exercise ball
12 barbell stiff leg deadlifts (moderate weight)
1 * 40 m lateral band walk (low)
4 rounds
15 leg extensions
15 heel elevated goblet squats
1 * 40 m lateral band walk (low)
4 rounds
20 alternating box step ups
20 db walking lunges (moderate to heavy weight)
1 * 1:00 calve on plateÂ
4 rounds
20 m sled push (heavy)
20 glute bridges on box (take 12-20 inch box to sled area)
1 * 1:00 calve on plateÂ
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