Warm up
3 rounds
:25 shoulder passes
:25 good morning
3 rounds
:25 bird dog
:25 plank
3 rounds
:25 inch work
:25 scorpion stretch
3 rounds
:25 glute bridge
:25 windmill
This is an upper body workout using interval training. There is a push, pull, and core exercise. Each interval is 3:00 long.
Pick an exercise and perform it for all time intervals
3 * :10 on :10 off 60s
2 * :20 on :20 off 80s
1 * :40. 40s
Once you complete all of the intervals on one exercise, move to the next. For example, do
10 seconds of bench press then
rest for 10 second. Do this 3 times.
Then. Do 20 seconds of bench press
Rest for 20 seconds do this 2 times
Do 1 set of 40s
Weight should be lighter on the last set
- barbell bench press
- barbell row
- tricycles
- incline db bench
- db row
- butterfly sit up
- upright rows
- bicep curls
- Bicycles
- tricep extension
- underhand lat pull-down
- butterfly crunch