This is the unedited and uncut version of the workout. These are the notes from one of my personal workouts. A big portion of it was unplanned, but left me exhausted.
This workout could exceed an hour
Warm up
8 * 12 leg curl + :45 rest (start light, increase weight each set)
6 rounds
8 dead lifts
16 barbell back lunges
(Start light increase weight each set)
4 rounds
10 handstand push ups
20 single arm kb swings (10 each arm)
20 db curtsy lunge
(:10s handstand hold or 10 db shoulder press)
4 rounds (the following is all 1 round)
4 db snatch (heavy/moderate)
12 bo row (heavy/moderate)
12 1-arm neutral grip shoulder press (light weight)
(Each side)
(Squat to upright row variation to snatch)
Then do
Then do
:20 half push up hold
15 push ups