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Centaur Upper Body Blast

Warm up

3 rounds

:25 straight arm lat pull downs

:25 shoulder pass through w/pvc pipe

3 rounds

:25 inchworms

:25 db front raises (light)

3 rounds

:25 db flys (light)

:25 db pullover

3 rounds

:25 push up w/shoulder tap

:25 sea turtles


1 round

:45 plank

5 rounds

:25 incline bench press

:35 rest

1 round

:75 db bent over row (moderate weight)

:45 side plank (1 side only)

4 rounds

:30 rest

1 round

:75 seated row (max reps)

:45 side plank (1 side only)

4 rounds

:35 neutral grip db bench press

:25 rest

1 round

:75 lat pull-down (max reps)

:45 side sit up (1 side only)

3 rounds

:40 hr push up

:20 rest

1 round

:75 lat pull-down w/underhand grip

:45 side sit up (1 side only)

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