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“Close to the Firepit”

Warm up

3 rounds

10 side lunges

10 bird dogs

3 rounds

10 hamstring scoops

10 leg swings (each side)

3 rounds

2 inch worms

6 spiderman lunges

250 m row or bike

3 sets 13 leg curls (very light)

250 m row or bike

3 sets 13 leg curls (light weight)

250 m row or bike

3 sets 13 leg curls (moderate weight)


7 minute Amrap

12 m lateral band walk (each direction)

12 DB stiff leg deadlift (moderate weight)

21 calf raises on stepper or plate

3:00 rest

7 minute Amrap

25 m farmer carry

15 squats (bodyweight, high tempo)

25 m backward bear crawl

25 m recovery walk (then grab dumbbells and repeat round)

3:00 rest

7 minute Amrap

12 m single arm db lunge (each direction)

72 bicycles

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