Warm up
3 rounds
:20 pvc shoulder pass throughs
:20 pvc good mornings
3 rounds
:20 inchworm
:20 Superman
3 rounds
:20 side lunge
:20 froggers
3 rounds
:20 side plank
:20 side plank
2 exercises to target 1 muscle group. You will do an exercise for :30 and immediately follow it up with a second exercise on the same muscle group for :30 and you will take a :30 second rest. The 1st exercise will be lighter, or targeted a smaller muscle. Its purpose is to pre-exhaust the muscle for the main exercise. The second exercise will involve more muscles but within the same chain.
4 rounds
:30 leg extensions
:30 heel elevated goblet squats (on plate)
:30 rest
4 rounds
:30 lateral band walks
:30 db squats (w/band)
:30 rest
4 rounds
:30 wood choppers on cable
:30 wood choppers on cable
:30 rest
4 rounds (with band)
:30 weighted glute bridge on box or bench
:30 alternating fire hyrdrant
:30 rest
4 rounds
:30 leg curls
:30 stiff leg deadlift
:30 rest
4 rounds
:30 lateral step up (keep foot on box)
:30 lateral step up (keep foot on box)
:30 rest