Gloves or wraps recommended, big pull day
Warm up
3 rounds
10 side lunges (5 on each side)
5 straight arm lat pulldown (4-count on the negative part of the lift) {3:00}
3 rounds
12 dumbbell prone rows (light/moderate weight)
12 side lunges (stationary) {7:00}
3 rounds
14 single leg hamstring curls (7 on each side/light)
21 s dead hang
3 rounds
8 barbell stiff leg deadlifts (barbell or very lightweight only/ focus on strict form!)
20 glute bridges (from bench) {15:00}
5 rounds
:25 stiff deadlifts (moderate weight/5-8 reps)
:60 rest {23:00}
4 rounds
12 dumbbell prone rows (moderate to heavy)
:60 rest {32:00}
4 rounds
16 alternating lat pulldowns (moderate to heavy)
:60 rest {40:00}
3 rounds
:35 rest {44:00}
8 rounds
:35 ski erg (assault bike or row if unavailable)
:25 rest