warm up
3 rounds (4:00)
:25 bird dog
:25 glute bridge
:25 tuck and roll (straddle)
3 rounds (4:00)
:25 lateral band walk
:25 lateral band walk
:25 good mornings
3 rounds (4:00)
:25 sled push (light weight)
:25 Spider-Man lunge
:25 db bicep curls
25:00 Amrap (Pyramid up by 2s)
(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12……)
Push ups
Inverted rows
Hex press (start heavy, decrease weight as needed)
Underhand db bent over row (start heavy, decrease weight as needed)
Squat to upright row
DB Front rack back step lunge
Single leg DB glute bridge (on Bench or box/ moderate to heavy weight each side)
Side sit ups (each side)