The reps in this workout will be all partial reps. Instead of full range of motion you will do 70-80% range of motion increasing time under tension. More descriptions and explanation will be posted throughout the workout
Warm up
3 rounds
:25 alternating hamstring scoops
:25 side lunge
3 rounds
:25 glute bridge
:25 windmill (alternating toe touch supinated)
3 rounds
:25 lateral band walk
:25 good mornings
3 rounds
:25 inch worm (light)
:25 superman (light)
3 rounds
:25 bird dog
:25 plank
4 rounds
:35 heel elevated goblet squat (partial reps/ no full extension)
:10 rest
:35 db stiff leg deadlifts (10 partial reps + 3s rest then repeat)
:10 rest
After 4 rounds do
1:00 side sit up (left side)
4 rounds
:35 lateral step up (partial reps/ no full extension)
:10 rest
:35 single leg calf raise(10 partial reps + 3s rest then repeat)
:10 rest
After 4 rounds do
1:00 side sit up (right side)
4 rounds
:35 weighted glute bridge on bench (moderate)
:10 rest
:35 leg lift from floor
:10 rest
After 4 rounds do
1:00 db side bends
4 rounds
:35 med ball carry (hug med ball)
:10 rest
:35 lunge w/med ball on shoulder
:10 rest
After 4 rounds do
1:00 Â db side bends
4 rounds
:35 leg extensions (partial reps/ no full extension)
:10 rest
:35 leg curls
:10 rest
After 4 rounds do
1:00 Ab twist