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Valhalla (day 4)

Warm up

3 rounds

150 m row (or ski)

100 m light jog

50 glute bridges from the floor

3 rounds

25 m shuffle

25 m shuffle

50 m butt kick (light)

3 rounds

5 Spider-Man lunges

2 inch worm with push up

5 one squat + one Frankenstein


18:00 Amrap (log how many rounds you get)

20 box step ups

30 box tricep dips

400 m row (or 300 m ski)

5:00 rest

18:00 Amrap (log how many rounds you get)

10 calorie ski (assault bike variation)

20 rear foot elevated lunges (each side)

30 partial incline push ups (hands on box)

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