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Push N Pull (chest and back)

Warm up 3 rounds 4 should passes 8 hamstring scoops :20 pvc back stretch 3 rounds 10 birddogs 10 straight arm lat pulldowns :20 cobra...

Does Calling Someone Deter an Attacker?

Had a question today from one of the new groups during a self defense. “When I am walking alone and someone is trying to approach me or...


warm up 3 rounds 25 m sled push 25 m sled pull 10 m side lunge 3 rounds 25 m lateral sled pull 25 m lateral sled pull 5 inchworms 3...

"Full Body Burnout"

Warm up 8 rounds 12 leg curls (start with light weight and increase weight every 2 sets) 12 good mornings (start with body weight and...

"Back At it"

Warm up 3 rounds 5 shoulder passes with pvc pipe 10 inchworm 10 windmills 3 rounds :30 assault bike :30 inchworm 3 rounds :30 row :30...

Hardware Store Hubby Trend

"All the single ladies are going on a shopping spree – at Home Depot. Vying for a chance to meet an eligible bachelor among the aisles of...

Blog: Blog2
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